Tuesday, February 12, 2008

pain pain pain!

I am in so much pain right now! I would be laying down in a quivering heap of pain if not for the fact that my daughter will not leave me alone. She's 2 years old and just doesn't understand that mom is in pain. I saw the dentist this morning and have 2 teeth prepared for crowns, which means cutting away the majority of the tooth material. I don't know if it is normal to be in this much pain. I don't have any motrin at home, which is what they told me to buy. So I took a darvocet and then some tylenol, which isn't even touching the pain. I need to get some relief. It feels like the pain when you have a bad tooth and drink something cold or hot, and get that shooting pain. But this is all the time. I think it is weird that when I was eating some pudding just now, I didn't have any pain at all. I mean, while I was eating the pudding, the pain vanished. But as soon as I stopped eating, the pain was back. Ha! Just now when I was thinking about the pudding, the pain lessened. That is proof positive that I am a food addict. My body must release endorphins when eating yummy food (and even thinking about it).

Hopefully the nerves in my jaw will calm down soon. I'll ask my husband to stop and buy me some motrin after work.

I wanted to add that thankfully the pain has gone away. Perhaps the tylenol helped reduce some swelling that was affecting the nerves. I'm not sure if tylenol works the same way as motrin to reduce swelling. But thankfully I am not in distress anymore. *whew*

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