Friday, February 15, 2008

beanbags; cleaning

Today I am trying to make beanbags. I want to make some simple toys that would entertain my daughter, or perhaps I can give a set to my cousin's children. Kids love simple games, like tossing beanbags through the holes on a board. I remember when I was a kid my friends had a bean bag game that was tick tack toe. But I can't remember what the board was like. Maybe it was just a piece of fabric you spread out on the ground, and then half the bags were "X" and half were "O". That's a nice, simple game.

I seriously need to clean up but I am dreading the process of decluttering. I have been feeling emotional lately. I know that I have a touch of OCD and have some hoarding tendencies. To me, my possessions, even my trash, are emotionally tied to me. I have to make decisions about every little thing to throw away or organize. It's not an easy process. I think for "normal" people, straightening up is as easy as breathing. For me, it always takes thought and effort. which is why it is always a struggle and so I work really hard to have things just half-way cleaned up. It drives my husband nuts because when he cleans, it takes him like half the time.

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