Saturday, February 2, 2008

God is a lover

How long have I been sick? I am so tired of feeling this way!!! I think I started getting sick Monday night or Tuesday morning. That's 5 days atleast and I still am in distress.

I just want to say that I am seriously considering moving to the countryside. It just sounds nice to say that. What a pleasant thing to think about. Why do I spend so much time worrying about things when I can set my mind on pleasant thoughts such as the beauty that God made. I should pray more too. God is a lover. That reminds me of a dream I had recently where I was talking to this woman I know in real life (an old highschool friend who is a nonbeliever) and she mentioned that she doesn't like the sexism in the Bible. And I went in to this rapturous discourse on how God is a lover and He is all about relationship, and how He made us male and female so that we can reflect this part of His divine nature and so we would also have a desire for the ultimate relationship...

And then I woke up and was amazed!

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