Friday, January 11, 2008

a falling out, and a fresh plan for the day

What a way to start a day! I got in an argument with a friend on the phone this morning. There had been some tension for awhile due to some things that were annoying me for the longest time. I think that perhaps my friend was feeling extra emotional and stressed (perhaps because of things I said previously as well as the real life problems she is experiencing). So she kinda snapped at me, and I took the bait and told her that I have a problem with her. She ended up hanging up on me because she just refused to talk with me or listen to what I had to say (granted, I was complaining about her attitude). So now I have this feeling like I don't want to be her friend anymore. I feel like we can't have an honest and mutually respectful relationship. I find the temptation too great to resist for seeing faults in her attitude and behavior. I wish I could just be more saintly and just accept her as she is. But I find myself not wanting to talk with her anymore unless she apologizes and is willing to have an honest and rational discussion with me.

I don't want to say anymore because I don't want to reveal any personal information.

So today I am not having a visit with my friend. I thought that instead, I would work on de-stashing and also plan something new to knit or crochet. For now, I will have a cup of coffee and try to make sense of the jumble of emails I get from various knitting and crochet groups I joined!

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