Monday, September 8, 2008

International Crochet Day

REMEMBER the 12th of Sept. this year is "International Crochet Day"!

To celebrate the day try one of the following:

~Crochet in public
~Teach someone to crochet
~promote International Crochet day in your blog
~wear something crocheted made/bought with pride

I found that information on the internet. I would like to add something to this. If you are going to buy crocheted items, always buy from someone who actually made the item. Most people don't know this but unlike knitting, crochet can not be done on machine. So when you buy inexpensive crocheted items from stores like Target or Walmart, please know that those things were made by some poor person in a poor country, and they were paid pennies for their work. It's not very nice. I actually get sad when I see a beautiful crocheted bag or hat in the store and it has a price tag of $2.99!

So let's raise awareness and do it in a way that honors crochet as a wonderful craft that must be made by human hands!!!

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