Saturday, March 1, 2008

my day was okay & my night is dynomite

Today was a good day. I cleaned, played with my girl, baked peanut butter cookies, and then spent some quality time with my husband when he got home from work. He made me feel so good because, before he went to bed, he kissed me and said "wonderful cookies!" It's amazing how good something simple like that can feel.

I decluttered my workspace, an IKEA dining table pushed up against a wall with some shelving installed above it. This has been a bugaboo for me the past 6 months or longer. The table had been packed solid with clutter and I had not the heart to touch it. But flylady gave me a boost and I found myself zooming through it tonight. Now it's all clear and I feel sooooooo good about it.

Tonight I worked on a "Vintage Vertical Stripe" afghan. It's such an easy pattern, it's almost embarrassing to admit that I am making such a thing. But I want to say: This pattern rocks for watching t.v. You can literally keep your eyes fixed on the screen and just work it by feel. I have never had a project where you could really watch t.v. while doing it. So this is my favorite for keeping "on the side" when you have something to watch on t.v. that you really want to pay attention to.

My plan is to start my Caroline Ingalls shawl this weekend. I have been wanting to make one for a couple years now but I never seem to have the right yarn. I also tend to put other people first and always be trying to make good on promises to make things for people. I love that. But this is going to be a shawl for me.

You know what tickles me? My husband has decided to go back to school, so he is taking a couple classes in the mornings at our local community college. One of his classes is English 101. And what tickles me is that he is writing the nicest essays. I think that he is going to turn out to be a writer. I think he will discover, after all the hard work, that he actually enjoys it. I love seeing what he has written. He's putting his thoughts to paper and talking about personal stuff. The teacher (a female teacher, btw) has assigned some topics that get him going in to personal memories. The first lesson is to write a narrative. It has actually made me want to start writing again. I thought my time in college had destroyed all my desire to write. But I remember the good part of it too.

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