Saturday, March 1, 2008

baking today, and watching bad t.v.

I was seriously thinking about baking a cake today because I have a recipe I want to try: a sour cream chocolate chip cake from Great Cakes by Carole Walter

But then I thought, "Hey, nothing beats peanut butter cookies when you want to munch on something sweet." I normally do not bake for myself. I usually only bake when there is an occasion with other people present to eat up the goodies. Because I don't think it is a good idea for me to be alone with sweets. But recently, I have been feeling sorry for myself and just thought I'd do something nice to enjoy all alone.

So I guess I'll wait until a later date to try out this cake recipe. I know that the yellow cake from that book is awesome because I made it for my daughter's 2nd birthday. But I want to try the sour cream cake recipe, and use the variation where you add grated chocolate just before pouring in the pans. I bet it looks and tastes wonderful.

Today I am all alone again. Nobody wanted to do anything with me. Everyone is sick. The weather changed and it's overcast and gloomy outside. I guess I have a weird mood as a result because I decided to watch an episode of the Outer Limits (I have the first couple seasons on DVD). It was called Corpus Earthling. This was such a strange episode, In fact, I have decided that because it is Ultra-Bizzaro, it is my favorite. Although O.B.I.T. was pretty strange and therefore interesting too.

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